I commenti degli utenti:

 =  linkedin...
Marius Surleac
[04.Apr.08 15:06]
Great for giving us this oportunity!

 =  problems?
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[19.Apr.08 11:36]
The link doesn't work, Radu.

 =  !!!
Marius Surleac
[20.Apr.08 15:31]
Romulus I think that might be internet connection problems but for me it worked! Try again, who knows, maybe will work this time.

 =  info
Radu Herinean
[22.Apr.08 16:58]
you might need to have an account when you visit the link and even be already logged in on the website.

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Usa lo link esistente in pagina (accanto alla data quando e stato iscritto il testo) o sceglie la rispettiva lingua e rientra poi nello testo.
