I commenti degli utenti:

 =  The best
Diana Pacuraru
[03.Jan.05 22:09]
This is one of the best songs I have ever heard because of the hidden meanings of the lyrics, mostly.

 =  The song is great, but he haven't wrote the lyrics.
Andrei Rautu
[07.Aug.05 03:58]
Scuse me, as far as i know, the lyrics from Light my fire, aren't Jim's... Robbie Krieager the guitar player wrote them. The poems of Jim Morrison are on An American Prayer the book or the album. Morrison recorded his voice, and after that The Doors, played music on the interpretation. There's the real poetry, and in some of the songs, like "The Crystal Ship", "Peace Frog" etc... Songs in which they've used poems from Jim's notebook. Thank you...

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