I commenti degli utenti:

 =  Only the young are allowed to suffer/ openly
Ada Ionescu
[10.Dec.10 19:49]
An interesting and entertaining perspective.
Unfortunately, I guess I lost some of the richness of the poem because... I'm not very sure what the term "caxtons" means.
Could it be about books, from William Caxton, the English printer? My Random dictionary isn't of any help.

Anyway, thank you.

And here's what I like most:

"In homes, a haunted apparatus sleeps,
that snores when you pick it up.

If the ghost cries, they carry it
to their lips and soothe it to sleep

with sounds. And yet they wake it up
deliberately, by tickling with a finger." - A very moving description of maternal feelings!

"Only the young are allowed to suffer
openly. Adults go to a punishment room

with water but nothing to eat.
They lock the door and suffer the noises

alone. No one is exempt

At night when all the colours die,
they hide in pairs

and read about themselves --
in colour, with their eyelids shut.


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