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: Poesia 2008-02-14 (2613 visite) Solo Laboratorio
Pagina: 1
Biografia Christopher Thripp
born in England 1963.
moved to USA 2001.
"poets can survive everything but a misprint"
I have been writing poetry for 30 years.I always discarded my work using poetry for therapy only a way of getting things off my chest.I was persuaded by my friends to air my work for public viewing.They are all delusional and thought i had great talent.Well here i am out in the open no more "in my room".I hope you enjoy my work i feel very privileged to be in the same arena as you.
Above all folks...
I just love to write.
"experience life
and you will always
be fulfilled"...
"even if your alone"
I cross the boundaries
of three cultures never
quite knowing if my
conduct is correct.
Collective experiences
of thoughts and lives
expand my mind.
Although i feel English
i act American i also have
Romania in my heart.
Similar aspects of life
in Europe but progression
vastly different.
The modern era in America
is learning the changes at
The young country at times stalls
and starts like a bad car
The experience from my
home country should filter
to this land.
The arrogance of a newbie
Is evident in her actions
in this new world.
I love living here
but my roots will
always belong to England.
Questo è l'Olimpo della Lettertura, della Poesia, e della Cultura. Se hai piacere di partecipare alle nostre iniziative scrivi altrimenti appaga la tua conoscenza con gli articoli, la saggistica, la prosa, la poesia classica e/o contemporanea oppure partecipa ai nostri concorsi.